Monday, June 4, 2012

The Tortoise and the Hare

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If you ever read a fable called “The tortoise and the Hare”, or at least watched a cartoon, then you know that the Tortoise outpaced the Hare who got too comfortable and decided to take a nap in the middle of the race. Through the years, the morale of the story has been interpreted differently by different readers from various cultures. I too have my own interpretation and can clearly see a similarity or two to both the Tortoise and the Hare.
Just like the Hare
  • For too long I was moving too fast borrowing more and more hoping that right around the next corner I will hit the right deal, I will pay majority of the debt off, but here is the truth, even when I was earning good money and business ventures were profitable – I’ve always found ways to spend the money before any loans were paid off always placing them on the back burner with solid logic that they could be paid back later.
  • I took a nap. Although I was not racing anyone, however while running without a clear direction I just got burned out. Looking back, I realize that I was clearly paralyzed. In the middle of foreclosure, with already lost to foreclosure rental home, student loans defaulted on and creditors calling nonstop trying to collect various debt – I slowly drifted into a “deep sleep”
  • Awaken and now, racing against myself. I would love to get out of debt with the same speed I got into it, but I know that…
Just like the Tortoise
  • Fighting, staying focused, not giving up, delaying the pleasure I know that there are at least a few more laps before I can see the checkers flag.  
  • “Living like no one else, so later we can live like no one else” – Dave Ramsey. Working on our “snow ball”, paying off the loans from smallest to largest, telling money how to behave and giving every dollar a name in the beginning of the month.

That’s accepting responsibility.


  1. I love this blog Jeka! I am fighting debt too (just my student loans from FPU) and I want to do it ASAP. It's so hard and seems so overwhemling sometimes, but slow and steady will win the race! I've only read a little about Dave Ramsey, but I'm looking forward to seeing what else you have to say about debt! :)

  2. Jaclyn! I am glad you are fighting! Stay focused! Stay on budget and treat your debt as a decease!
