Monday, June 18, 2012

Needs vs. Wants

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a " want " is defined as having a strong desire for something. The word " need " is defined as lack of the means of subsistence. In every arena of our life, the two concepts are opposing elements (Merriam-Webster Online).
Tanya and I find it very helpful to have a"Need" and a"Want" (or a "Wish") lists in order to stay within the budget and keep our finances in order. Both lists consist of items that are over $200 and do not fit percentage wise in any of the categories in our monthly budget, so we are saving money to purchase such things with time.
This strategy will help you avoid compulsive spending, emotional purchases and out of control petty purchases. We recommend keeping your need list very short and sweet - the most essential things you really need for your family's basic needs. To cross STUFF off our lists we are following two rules;
                                              A. BUDGETING and B. SAVING

Need List - Not constant - Things can be added, scratched off, demoted to a "WISH LIST" and moved up in the importance latter.
  1. Vacuum cleaner. We have one now, but it broke number of times, old (at least 7 years) and does a very poor job vacuuming. So, we are saving money for Dyson.                                     
  2. Bar Stools. We have moved into our house in February, 2012, however we are still in the process of saving money for our Bar Stools so we can eat by the kitchen counter. Meanwhile we are having our meals at the dinner table instead, or at the island standing :), no big deal. Although I should say that Isaac is the only family member who always has a place to sit - in his high chair!                                                                                     
  3. Entertainment Center. We wanted to purchase one for a long time. Nevertheless, more important items have always superseded importance and now, since we got rid of the cable - Truly Directing our TV, we are actually reconsidering and thinking of moving this item down to our Want List.                                                                                 
Want List  - is similar to our Needs list, but it is not crucial for us to have these items to have a quality life. The following STUFF can wait until after our Needs List is done with.
  1.  Couches. Our current couches have served us well and we intend on keeping them for a long, long time. However we WANT to buy a newer set for our family room and move the set we have into the play room for kids to enjoy.                                                                                     
  2. Hardwood floor. Our house was built in 2005 and the previous owner took good care of the floors, however, we would like to some day (my prediction in 7 years or so) to have hardwood floor installed in the house.                                                                                        
  3. Pool. I always wished to have a pool in the backyard. I will not even speculate on when this want will be moved on to our "NEED" list. Perhaps we should create a "Dream" list. Keep Dreaming!
As we are saving money, we are also constantly watching the prices and looking for bargains. What are your needs and wants? Don't let your emotions break your wallet and your budget! Budget, Save, Buy at the bargain prices!

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