Thursday, June 21, 2012


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Acronym is formed from the first letter of each word in the term. Today, I wanted to talk about the Three Ws that will get you and keep you in the debt, and also about the other Three Ws that will keep and/or help you break out of the debt.
  • First W stands for Whining. When we are whining about the things we so desperately want and absolutely need RIGHT NOW, without setting aside our feelings and looking at the situation from the sober perspective, we tend to make financial mistakes. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that wanting stuff is bad, however wanting and getting stuff with the money you do not have- is.  But... I want it, I want it, I want it! I will love you so much more if you let me buy A, B, C... If we only had X,Y, Z, we would feel so much better... But we deserve this vacation package! But I always dreamed to have this, we need to buy it, this is our only chance - look at this sale price! But everyone else has it, I should too!
  • Second W stands for Wussification. This is the process when we do not want to make anyone feel bad, or think poorly of us, or think we do not have the means, or when we worry about the status quo more than about the future circumstances and cave in, or simply when we just buy stuff with the money we do not have trying to impress people we do not even know. This is when one cannot say "NO" to wants and the budget is blown. This is when we charge our credit card and justify it with some silly excuse. This is when you let the "Here and Now" culture control your wallet. This is like driving a car without a brake pedal or a steering wheel- eventually there will be an accident - Guaranteed!
  • Finally, third W stands for Wambulance. Once in a deep financial problem caused by prolonged Whining and financial Wussificaiton , one often makes another crucial mistake by calling in the Wambulance that will only treat the symptoms and not the disease. Too much debt with high interest rate - get a new card and do a balance transfer  - 0% for 6 months. Yes, feel much better! Too many credit cards and can't keep up with paying everyone on time - consolidate - one low monthly payment! Yes, already feel richer! Nothing works - file for bankruptcy! Whew, that was a close one! Now we can start all over again... Where was I? Oh, yes, Whining!

So, what's the solution? 

  1. W -  Wait! Things will never bring you happiness, nor will they ever bring permanent satisfaction! Quit buying stuff you do not need! Start thinking purchases through. Click Here to find out how we do it.
  2. W - Withstand! Grow a back bone and learn to say "NO!" Its a good word, say it - NnnnOooo! Now say it to your self and to whoever and whatever is breaking your budget! Take control of your Finances!
  3. W - Win! Stop looking for help in the wrong places! Change your attitude towards the money God gives you, learn to manage it and manage it well. If you were a business owner and the manager who was managing your business was doing it the way you manage your own money today, would you let your manager have the job tomorrow?
Wait, Withstand and start Winning!

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