Monday, June 11, 2012

What makes getting out of debt a real battle?

I think that getting out of debt is hard because:

  •         You do not see the benefits of getting out debt. When was the last time you dreamed about not having monthly payments to your lenders? Can you imagine falling asleep and waking up in the house that has no payments? Can you think of any other reasons to go to work besides earning more money to be able to afford your monthly payments? Can you imagine not paying “monthly alimony to your girlfriend whose name is Sallie Mae” or your boyfriend whose name is “Nelnet”? Can you imagine giving money freely to people who ask you for help and support?
  •      You have to completely change your lifestyle. We have changed our preferences on the stores we shop at, how often we shop, and taking lunches to work is a must.  It’s like losing weight. You can’t hope to lose weight while consuming 3,000 calories a day. You can’t all of the sudden change your deeply rooted spending habits; it takes effort, desire and perseverance. If before our average moving speed at COSTCO was $300 an hour, now we have a shopping list. If before we would “Shop at will”, now we have a list of “WANTS” and “NEEDS” (I’ll blog about them in the near future).
  •       You have to sacrifice a lot of things you love or would love to have. Sacrifices have to be constant and you have to be consistent. Stick to the budget and act like a grown up and not a little kid who is sitting in the shopping cart screaming his head off demanding the candy from his mother who is trying to check out at the registrar; I want it!!!! But I deserve it!!! But I need it!!!  But I can’t live with out it!!! Sell the STUFF you love and dump the cash on your debt. 
  •          Everyone else seems to be OK with debt, why should we be abnormal? Since when is what’s normal in society – a norm for your family? Normal – SUCKS! Delay pleasure now! Live like no one else, so you can live and give like no one else in the near future! AAAAAAAAAH I get fired up just by writing and reminding myself about it!
  •           It can take a LOOOOOOONG time! Look, the truth is – you did not get into this mess overnight, you are really not going to get out of it overnight either. If you are serious about getting out of debt – you better suit up for a long haul. On average, individuals who attack debt with gazelle intensity become debt free anywhere between 12 and 36 months. For you it might me a shorter or a longer period of time – depending on the depth of the whole, your focus, and passion for freedom.
  •           No strategy or poor planning. Set up a plan and don’t be afraid to ask for help! If you tried on your own and failed, seek help from friends, professionals, someone who has gone through this process before, someone who will hold you accountable and be supportive of your decision.
         Don’t let these excuses slow you down! Fight the fight! Win one battle at a time!

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