Sunday, May 27, 2012

FPU graduate - TWICE!

In 2001 I graduated from Fresno Pacific University (aka FPU) and ten years later, in 2011, I graduated from Financial Peace University (aka FPU). In my blog I will mostly be talking about Financial Peace University and the impact it had on my life and the lives of my loved ones, who I hope will take time to blog as well. If you are one of the hard working Americans, who found yourself running in the rat wheel as hard as you can to out earn your bad habit of borrowing money, only to dread that credit card bill - you are not alone! If you are a student who worked hard on earning your college degree in hopes in hopes of becoming more marketable in the work force found a ginormous pet living in your closet called "Student Debt" -  you are not alone! If you are the homeowner who purchased a dream home only to find out a few years later that even though you live nowhere near the water, your house is now "Under Water" - you are not alone! If you ever dreamed big of becoming a business owner and refinanced your home to borrow the money for your guaranteed 100% investment return business venture only to "Kiss your money Good bye" - you are not alone! If you ever had an emergency and had to borrow money from the credit card company or a payday loan only to see your interest rate grow from 0 to 60 in less than a month - you are not alone! If you are sick and tiered of this vicious, never ending, tiresome and demoralizing cycle of borrowing money - then join my blog and lets get out of debt together! 

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